

Frequently asked question

All frequently asked questions are posted here so that you can see solutions to possible issues

Kindly click on "sign in" above at the right top corner of the website then click on "login for marketplace/VTU Services", then select sign up below the form and fill the form correctly with your real name, a valid email address, and a strong password.

kindly click on "sign in" above at the right top corner of the website then click on "login for marketplace/VTU Services", then input your email and password to login

You will have to click on forgot password on the login page, then input your email address so that a reset email can be sent to you. The email contains information on how to reset your password

YES. ₦5,000 welcome bonus is given to every new customer

The ₦5000 welcome bonus is used for posting ads on the platform. "Posting ads" here means, business products and other services

No. you cannot withdraw the ₦5,000 welcome bonus. the bonus is used to buy ads space for posting ads on ADSTradeX marketplace

Please read the instructions on the wallet balance. it contains necessary information on how to use the ₦5,000 welcome bonus

YES. The bonus can be used immediately after registration. You don't need to make any deposit.

USD wallet can only be funded using Crypto Currency and it is used to credit the main wallet for posting ads and to unlock the affiliate wallet. Please read the instructions on the USD wallet.

Coupon codes are either purchased from the service provider or freely given on the ADSTradeX social media channel as a way of gift or as discount sales.

YES, ADSTradeX is a registered company in Nigeria with more than 1 year of existence and its Parent company has been operating since 2017.

Yes, you can trust ADSTradeX financial and other services. we concentrate in making sure that the customers are satisfied.